Saturday, October 13, 2012


We introduced rice cereal to Jack a few weeks ago with mixed results initially. Below are some amusing pictures of him during the first attempts. Now, he's a champ with rice cereal and squash. Peas on the other hand he hates. I only wish I could photograph the face he gives when he try to trick him with the peas. Guess he takes after his mom!

 Mr. Independent wants to feed himself.

 His face was so covered in food that the spoon stuck to his face.

6 months

Jack is 6 months old and we are enjoying this age. He's sitting up on his own, laughing, smiling, and eating a few solid foods. He's a great sleeper and takes 2 solid naps a day. Here's some info about sweet baby Jack-

  • weight- 15 lbs, 13 oz 
  • length- 26"
  • wearing 6 month old clothes
  • babbling 
  • laughs whenever Cal comes near him
  • loves watching the toddlers run around at daycare
  • loves to eat!
  • grabs everything in sight 
  • still enjoys the exersaucer 
  • is pretty happy in the morning when Kevin wakes him up to leave (unlike his mother)

it's fall y'all!

To kick off fall, we headed to the mountains of Western North Carolina for a weekend with Kevin's college friends. On Saturday, we visited the fall festival at the John C. Campbell Folk School and ended the afternoon with a bottle of wine and a picnic at a winery.

We enjoy seeing Jack & Emily interact with one another. What precious babies! Check out her awesome eye lashes.

 love this photo

My attempts to pose Jack with the pumpkins failed as he only wanted to grab the grass. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Kevin's IPhone dump

Some pics from Kevin's iphone!
 last weekend at the lake

Cal wanted to join in on the fun

meeting Uncle Len

football fan

As football season kicked off, Jack was ready to go!

Rebecca's IPhone dump

Here are some of my favorite pictures from my phone. These pics are from June-September.

napping at GiGi's

 Allison's instagram
 loving Ryan's dirtbikes onsie
 4 month appointment

 yummy toes
 bath time!

 visiting dad at work
 Lunch with Boyd!
 Smyrna food trucks