Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Big Day!

Today was a big day for the Schwartz Family.

Jack spent his first day in day care as it was Rebecca's first day back to work.  He spent the day at Gigi and Pop's house.  He will start with his regular day care next week.

Additionally, after a weekend of practicing with his Aunt Lauren &Aunt Allison, Jack rolled over onto his stomach.  It takes him a few minutes to get it because his arm seems to get in the way but he sticks with it and ends up like this:

We hope to have a video of it soon.

That is it for now.  Hope everybody is well!

Monday, July 16, 2012

playing photographer

I really wanted professional pictures for Jack hitting the 3 month mark, but I waited too late and we were out of town for about 2 weeks. Anyways, I decided to create my own photography session and he was fairly cooperative. Enjoy the pictures of this adorable little baby! I'm trying to enjoy every minute as I go back to school in 9 days!

Here's my favorite-

 this face is too funny

3 months

Wow Jack is 3 months old! This last month flew by and he continues to change everyday. We didn't have a doctor's appointment this month, so here are some things about Jack-

  • Jack loves his hands. He's obsessed with eating his hands and wants very little to do with the pacifier.
  • Jack is sleeping 9-10 hours a night and eats 5 times a day. When he wakes up in the morning, he is all smiles and it's one of my favorite times of the day.
  • He takes 3 naps, but the 3rd nap is hit or miss.
  • He loves his activity mat. 
  • He loves to be held upright to see everything around him. He responds to people talking directly or singing to him with smiles and laughs.
  • Jack wears 3 month clothing.
  • He has been in the lake and ocean in the past month.
  • He's starting to have more hair on the top of his head, but it is very light.

Beach Baby

Jack's first beach trip was to Ocean Isle, NC. Kevin's college roommates & wives met at the beach for a mini reunion and to meet the babies! Of course, Jack sported his Mr. Wolf onsie when meeting the roommates. Matt & Meredith's little girl Emily is a few weeks younger than Jack. We had a wonderful time at the beach with good friends.
 Roommates and the latest additions to the wolfpack

Meredith bought matching outfits for Jack & Emily. The outfits are too cute!

1st day at the beach
 precious babies!
 what a life

Jack & Ben
 more interested in his hand than the water
Jack didn't love his first venture into the ocean.

Friday, July 13, 2012

the sports fan

Our friend Jen gave Jack these adorable onsies for our four favorite teams- the Braves, Orioles, NC State and UGA.
He's ready for baseball season!
go Orioles!
 Go braves!
Ready for the football season to start! go dawgs!
 go pack!
Ben & Amber gave Jack the Mr. Wuf stuffed animal.

Monday, July 9, 2012

4th of July!

We spent the 4th of July in Concord with Kevin's family. Jack met his Case cousins, Uncle Phil & Aunt Norma too.
Jack & Heather
 Jack & Aunt Norma

 cousins & Uncle Brian

 Jack's 1st Fourth of July
Thanks Grandmom for the 4th of July onsie.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Lake Baby

We spent a long weekend at the lake to see the fireworks and to escape the miserable heat in Atlanta. Jack experienced his first boat ride and "swim" in the lake.

It's time for Jack's own life jacket. This makes Gigi happy!

first swim with Daddy

love this little boy

Jack's fist boat ride and cocktail cruise

4 Generations of Greens at Lake Burton
Jack wearing Ray-Bans
how Jack spent his 1st boat ride
spending time with his great grandmother